罗塞·科雷利亚,是一位独立电影制片人,目前居于柏林。最初作为加泰罗尼亚电视台的视频记者开始了她的职业生涯,但她对全球问题背后的人的故事的兴趣促使她开始个人创作并在纪录片领域发展个人视角。她的作品曾在世界各地展出,并荣获多项大奖,如POYI - 美国国际年度图片奖,以及克雷泰伊女性电影节的CANAL + France奖。她对纪录片体裁的着迷使她走遍世界寻找那些值得讲述的故事。不仅要见证,而且要挑战并提出关于当代社会的关键问题。ROSER CORELLA (Barcelona, SPAIN, 11/19/1978) Independent documentary filmmaker, began her career making TV reports until she started producing her own projects. Her first short documentary "Machine man" has enjoyed global success, appearing in hundreds of film festival worldwide and winning over twenty awards, including CANAL + Award at the Women's Film Festival of Creteil (France) and First place for "Long-Form Multimedia Documentary" at Picture of the Year International (USA). Her interest in documentary genre as testimony of the medium’s inherent tensions and paradoxes, has led her all around the world looking for personal stories that reflect global issues.(https://www.promofest.org/films/prisioneros-del-kanun)