邱比是一名音乐艺术家。在长期接触音乐、美术、影像、表演、武术和现代舞等动态训练后,于二〇一三年起陆续推出标志鲜明的作品,在亚洲一共发行了十六张数字专辑、三张华语唱碟,和《最后安慰》科幻寓言。加盟滚石首届电子厂牌后,将既有的艺术风格升华至更加隽永和灵性:侧重于内心世界的精气神和谐,以内观敞开自由可能性。他将空灵禅意和前卫时尚重塑出极简的梦幻电音;以实验原创平衡了古老自然与数位技术,使刻板与多元之间的两极相系。并在哲学、诗与神话的背景下,重新构想人类经验的未来,如平地一声雷觉醒艺坛。Founded in Taipei in 2013, CHIU PI recorded and released 16 online music albums, 3 physical CD albums and a science fiction.CHIU PI is a versatile musician, long exposed to music, painting, photography, theater, martial arts, dance and body movement training.After join ROKON, CHIU PI change the style to eternal and spirituality. It focuses on the internal state of mind: remain fully open to possibilities.He creates avant-garde music that has an ethereal and introspective style, changing the general perception of electronic music.He evaluates the tensions between nature versus technology, culture versus economics, homogeneity versus pluralism, and re-imagines the future of our human experience in a fantastical, poetic, and magical backdrop.Representative work: Zang Zang, SPLENDOR