奥斯瓦尔多·卡维多利,Osvaldo Cavandoli,1920年生于意大利的Maderno。不久举家搬到米兰。长大后,他在Alfa Romeo做了四年技术设计员。23岁时,他进入动画领域为Pagot studio工作。1950-1958期间,他作为一个独立木偶制片人和导演。在1969,他创作了使他文明全球的角色:La Linea。这个有趣的角色大量出现在广告中,并且后来成为独立影片。这些影片在超过40个国家上映,荣膺了很多奖项。1974年Cavandoli为这个角色制作了一个漫画版本。1997年La Linea正式出现在意大利电视上。Osvaldo Cavandoli (January 1, 1920 – March 3, 2007), also known by his pen name Cava, was an Italian cartoonist. His most famous work is his series of short animated cartoons, La Linea ("The Line").Cavandoli was born in Maderno sul Garda, Italy, but moved to Milan when he was two years old (later becoming an honorary citizen of that city). From 1936 to 1940 he worked as a technical designer for Alfa Romeo. When he developed his interest in cartoons in 1943, he started working with Nino Pagot, who later created Calimero. In 1950 he started working independently as a director and a producer. He became famous for his La Linea, a simply drawn cartoon, first appearing in 1969. In 1978 and 1988 he developed two new characters: sexilinea and eroslinea.