巴塞尔·卡亚特,Bassel Khaiat is one of the most distinguished actors in the Arab world, whose outstanding talent and remarkable depiction of challenging roles, especially complex ones, won him rave reviews by critics and audiences alike across the Arab world. Bassel made his first foray into acting at the age of eight through the children's theatre. In pursuit of his passion for acting, he studied Acting at the Higher Institute of Theatrical Arts, to embark on his journey on stage after his graduation. Bassel's immense talent drove him to expand his horizons and star in TV drama. He landed his first role in a TV drama in Kan Ya Ma Kan, which was followed by a number of successful serial dramas. In 2000, he starred in Asrar al-Madina (2000) by director Hisham Sharbatji, where his spontaneous performance caught the attention of audiences and critics alike. In 2004, Bassel's performance in Ahlam kabira TV series by director Hatem Ali won him rave reviews. He then took part in a number of successful TV series, including Rabee' Qortoba (2003), Ealaa Hafat Alhawia (2007) and Abu Khalil Alqabani (2010, and Eshq Alnisaa' (2015).After demonstrating a noteworthy talent in Syria, Bassel then set his eyes on Egyptian drama, landing in his first Egyptian TV series Neeran Sadeeqa (2013). His exceptional performance as Qazzaf drew the attention of several TV directors in Egypt, which prompted his name to star in more Egyptian TV dramas, playing psychologically complex roles that highlighted his unprecedented talent. These include: Tariqi (2015), Al Mizan (2016), 30 Youm (2018) and Al Rehla (2018). In 30 Youm, Bassel played the complex character of Sameh/Tawfeeq that made several critics dub him "the Joker" for his fantastic performance as a villain that touched the audiences. He also played another challenging complex character in Al Rehla, the thing that emphasized Bassel's intensive and deep study of the characters he plays. His most recent works include the thriller Al Nahat, where he played