殷际辉,中国电影家协会会员,中国电视艺术家协会会员,北京电影家协会会员。 自幼学习中国书法和绘画。先后在安康学院学习美术专业,北京电影学院学习电影学专业。 影像风格追求东方韵味和诗情画意,影片画面考究,节奏张弛有度,故事和人物及主题发人深省,富含哲理。作为编剧、导演和摄影,先后摄制纪实作品、剧情作品数十部,多次参加国内国际影视节展和主竞赛,多次获奖。 Yin Jihui, He started in Caligraphy and Drawing at an young age, andlater studied Art at the Ankang School of Art, and studied filmmaking inthe Beijing Film Academy. He blends the oriental style with poetic visual elements,stresses onrevealing visual details, humanity and the underlying philosophy. Jihui Yin had wrote, shoot, produced and director more than 100 episodes ofprograms, and had received numerous awards nationally and internationaly.